Admin page

Manage data


Searching data by - data point - District, sub-district and village - You can also reset your filter search.


Advanced filter

If you wish to search in a more advanced way, you click on the ADVANCED FILTER button.

Advanced filter

Export filtered data

Export filtered data

List of data

A list of data is on the page as a table which has - data name - Region - Submitter - Last updated - Action

List of data

Editing data

A data entry can be edited.


Delete Data

A data entry can be deleted.


Add New Data

You also can add a new data entry.


Export Data

You can see a list of exported data entries that you can download.

Exported data

Upload Data

You can also upload a new data entry from your file manager or download existing data by clicking on the Download button.

data upload

Manage users

A list of users is displayed on the page with their: - Name - Email - Organisation - Role

Manage users

Manage form passcode

A list of form that accessable via URL and is displayed on the page with the following columns: - Form name - URL - Passcode (The text field is encrypted by default)

Manage form Passcode

Copy URL

The URL field has a copy functionality to get URL easily

The URL copy functionality

Edit Passcode

You can edit text field by clicking the Edit passcode button

Edit passcode clicked

Once edit is clicked, a warning pop-up will appear to confirm the user

Edit confirmed yes

If you select yes, then the text field can be filled in with the new passcode. Otherwise, the text field will return readonly.

Input new passcode

Click the save button to save the passcode you just created

Save clicked